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Home Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

You Are Welcome Fillabase.com Privacy Policy And Cookie Statement Page.

This Privacy Policy page discloses our policies on the use of information of visitors to this website. This pages also allows visitors to get to know their privacy right and how their right is protected while using this website.

Basically, we use your personal data to improve the services on our website. Note that we do not sell your personal information. When you use our website, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Types of Data We Collect

Personal Data

In the process of using this website, our administrators may ask you to provide some personal information about you. Such information includes but not limited to:

  • Email address
  • Usage Data

Usage Data

Automatically, usage Data such as your Device’s Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our website that you visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, etc.

The same goes for using our website on a mobile device. We may collect information such as; your mobile device’s type, mobile device unique ID, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser you use, etc.

This is the information we collect through the browser you are using, whether on a mobile device or a PC.


Note that our website also uses Cookies. We use Cookies to track and store certain regarding our services. This information only helps us to make our services better.

The good thing is that with Cookies you can decide as to whether you want to enable it or disable it using your browser.

The Cookies used on our website are both persistent (stays on your devices when you go offline) and session (deleted once you go offline). You can find more about Cookies HERE. 


We use Google Analytics, a third-party service to monitor the activities, interests of the users of our website. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google may use this data to determine which ads they can show you when using our service. You can learn more about it HERE.

We also use a WordPress plugin called Jetpack to gather information about the views, geos, and others about the use of our website. Learn more about Jetpack and the privacy HERE.


Fillabase.com will soon show you adverts from Google Adsense. We intend to show you ads to help us gather revenue to keep our website running and making it a better one for you always.

Google AdSense will be a third-party vendor, they will show ads on our website. While using our service and you think you do not want to see ads, you may opt-out. See HERE for that.

PLEASE NOTE: Fillabase.com Does Not Sell Your Personal Information Under Any Circumstance. Should you find that we have sold your information, we will take responsibility for legal consequences.

You can also decide to opt-out of service tracking using the ‘Do Not Track’ settings in your browser. Google Chrome users can follow the procedure HERE. Learn more about DNT HERE.

Links to Other Websites

You may see links to other websites while using ours. These links are to serve as external resources for information. We do not own such websites and we do not have control over your privacy on such websites. Once you leave ours, the privacy policy of the linked-to website applies.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Fillabase.com may from time to time update this Privacy Policy Page. We may notify you of such updates.

Contact Us

You can contact us regarding this Privacy Policy and other concerns on this website by email: info@fillabase.com.

Also, you can also use this Page to contact us or fill the form below to reach us.